User-Blog for SAP Business ByDesign

Master data migration to SAP Business ByDesign using the migration template


Master data such as materials, customers and suppliers form the basis for working in SAP Business ByDesign. They are indispensable, which is why it is important to prepare them during implementation and then insert them. You have two options for this:

  1. Possibility: Manual entry of master data
  2. Possibility: Entry of master data using the migration template

Entry of master data using the migration template is recommended. Here you can migrate a large amount of data without great effort using a migration template and the migration tool.

You can find the migration templates in the work center “Business Configuration” in the view “Implementation Projects” under the fine-tuning task “Prepare for Data Migration”.

There you can download the corresponding migration template and complete it with the corresponding master data records.

Alternatively, you can also obtain the respective migration template from the migration tool. In Fine Tuning, first select your migration task and click Open.

In the migration tool, you can download the migration template in the top right-hand corner under “Other options”.

To create a valid source file, enter your legacy data in the migration template. For detailed information on entering legacy data in migration templates, see the “Introduction” and “Field List” template sheets.

Once the migration template is completed, you can upload it in the migration tool and perform the migration step by step.

The migration takes place through a step-by-step capture process that includes the following steps:

  1. Validate File: Validate source file and adjust source file, if required.
  2. Convert Values: Adjust conversion of source values to target values.
  3. Simulate Import: Run test import. If required, adjust source file, value conversion, or fine-tuning settings.
  4. Execute Import: Execute import of source data to your SAP solution.
  5. Confirmation: Confirm import and finish data migration for the selected migration object.

If all records were correctly completed, you have successfully performed the migration using the migration tool.

However, if the records are not filled correctly in the migration template, a new file is created with all records that have not yet been imported successfully. You can correct the errors and repeat the migration with this file.

Bösch GmbH will be happy to assist you with your master data migration.

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