33 gute Gründe, Kunde der
Bösch GmbH zu werden

33 good reasons to choose Team Bösch as your SAP partner:

  1. A dedicated service provider
    We know the term “service” comes from “serve”. We serve our customers daily with our service!
  2. We speak your language!
    We don’t try to make ourselves look important with technical jargon. Rather we describe things as they are, in a way everyone can understand.
  3. Clear focus
    We’re specialized in the SAP Cloud solution Business ByDesign.
  4. Learnt is learnt
    All our employees are newcomers to the “SAP World” with SAP Business ByDesign, having received extensive training. We don’t have any employees who focus on other software solutions, merely marketing or implementing the new SAP solutions “on the side”.
  5. Your personal partner on an equal footing
    We’re not an anonymous service provider with several thousand staff. We’re a compact team where everyone knows everyone else. That allows us to deploy the strengths of individual employees right where they’re needed – to provide the best possible benefit.
  6. We assign top priority to customer benefit
    It’s not a matter of selling as many licenses or projects as possible. We know the benchmark at the end of the day is how satisfied you are as a customer with our service.
  7. Flexibility is a must!
    We know your business is constantly changing. We also know unforeseen developments can occur at any time, putting you in need of a SAP partner to accompany you flexibly at all times, who isn’t afraid to get down to business.
  8. Personal relationship instead of anonymous contact
    All our customers get to know our team before signing the first contract. You know who you’re dealing with right from the start – after all, it is also important that both sides fit together!
  9. In good and bad times
    We know your business will never run smoothly all the time – nor will ours! We admit that. As a partner, we think it’s very important to stick with our customers “through thick and thin” if we’re to build up a long lasting relationship based on trust at the end of the day. Because managing success is the easy bit.
  10. The provider bears the risk
    We’d be happy for you to put us to the test before you decide to become a customer! Feel free to ask any questions before we begin implementing your new software. Set us a challenge! We’ll not be able to find the right answer to every question right away. But from our way of tackling challenges you’ll be able to see whether we’re suitable for you or not.
  11. “I’d much prefer to work with you…
    …and know that you’ll stand behind your decisions as owner and bear the full risk as entrepreneur, instead of being just a number among many in a big IT corporation with a new contact every year!” There’s nothing more we can add to this statement from a long-standing customer. You’d like to get to know the customer personally? No problem, simply get in touch with us!
  12. SAP certified
    All our staff in Sales and Consulting have been certified by SAP, without exception. And of course Management too!
  13. International experience
    Do you have a subsidiary abroad you’d like to have embedded in your SAP system too? Your supplier abroad also needs new software and you’re keen to recommend us? You have a sales branch abroad that you’d like to steer from Germany? All these things are nothing new to us – they’re real questions we’ve already solved together with our customers!
  14. Budget in mind
    We’ll devise a project plan together with you to successfully realize your new SAP solution. In doing so, we’ll show you precisely what services we provide and what cost drivers can typically be involved in an introduction package. To allow you to keep an eye on your budget at all times, you’ll regularly receive a detailed listing of the services we’ve provided.
  15. Cross-sector expertise
    We’re committed to working not only for a select sector but instead across all sectors: Of course, we know every branch has its own unique traits and special challenges. Yet we’re convinced we can offer much more added value with our cross-sector expertise!
  16. Continuous improvement
    To be able to provide the best possible services for you as a customer, we continuously invest in the training and education of our staff.
  17. Self educated
    At Bösch, we have a certain way of doing our work. Our customers have been able to rely on this for many years – for a good reason: All our staff we train ourselves in the SAP solution Business ByDesign. This gives new employees not only the opportunity to benefit from our wealth of experience but also learn quickly how things are done at Bösch!
  18. Bespoke workshops
    To enable your new SAP solution to be implemented as successfully as possible, we work out all important decisions along with you in a workshop tailored to your needs. You determine the content and topics – we’ll set about tackling these effectively.
  19. Time is money!
    We know you can never have enough of one particular resource: Time. Knowing how important your time is, we’ll utilize this optimally: We keep to the target object when preparing the groundwork for all meetings and workshops, or when following these up. We then request specific feedback from you so we can be sure you’re actually satisfied with our work.
  20. Quality comes at a cost
    Our products and services aren’t cheap. But the equivalent value you gain from investing in your new SAP software is far higher – to the point of surpassing its cost. So it’s only fair that our prices are non-negotiable.
  21. Complete transparency
    It will take several months to introduce your new SAP software. To ensure all employees involved in the implementation never lose sight of their goal, everyone receives a comprehensive status update once a week!
  22. Locally flexible
    We normally train your staff directly on site in your company so they can gain hands-on experience in implementing the content they’ve learnt. But maybe you would prefer your employee to concentrate fully on their training without being distracted by their daily work? No problem! We’d be pleased to arrange training on our premises or at another location (for example in a hotel) on request.
  23. Individual support
    You’d also like to ensure you always have a designated contact who will be there to answer your questions after your new software has gone live? You’d also like us to keep a keen eye on critical business areas, while supporting your staff flexibly? We regard it as part and parcel of our service to accompany you flexibly even after a successful launch!
  24. Prejudice belongs to the past!
    “SAP’s too expensive, inflexible and complicated, … and anyway it’s only big companies that work with it!”All these prejudices can be consigned to the past if you decide in favor of implementing modern SAP-Cloud software from Bösch!
  25. Long-term support and advice
    Our goal is not to complete the implementation of your SAP software as quickly as possible, only to rush to the next new customer. Instead, our approach is to serve our customers over the long term – because we know that your business will continue to evolve and that you need a reliable SAP partner!
  26. Strong partners
    To get the very best from your SAP solution, we collaborate with external partners in special topics. For instance, you’d like to map a process that isn’t part of the standard SAP portfolio? We’ll be pleased to enable this with our partner for customer-specific developments in SAP Business ByDesign! Or are you looking for a tax consultant who has experience in working with SAP Business ByDesign? Then why not get in touch with us! We’ll also be pleased to assume the communication and invoicing with our partners, while remaining the first port of call for you.
  27. We think the way you do
    Our customers appreciate the fact that we’re keen to see the world through their eyes. And it’s precisely for this reason that we’re so successful in collaborating with our customers: because we share the way they think – and understand what needs to be done to achieve successful solutions!
  28. Short routes
    Your contacts will be pleased to help – a phone call or email is all you need do! And if the issue is more complex, our internal communication paths are very short, as we deliberately keep the size of the Bösch Team on a manageable level. You can find an overview of our staff here – including direct dial and email addressof the individual contacts.
  29. Loyalty to customers
    We attach tremendous importance to establishing long-term partnerships with our customers. We do this because we know success doesn’t just arise “over night”, but calls for perseverance and future-oriented action. All our decisions are made against the background that our customers will be able to look back after many years and say: “Yes, we made the right decision in choosing Bösch!”
  30. Looking beyond the horizon
    We regard it as a fundamental element of our services to plan future developments together with our customers so we can “look beyond the horizon” as the proverbial saying goes. Consequently, we not only train our staff in diverse areas at home and abroad but also deploy them effectively in international projects.
  31. Immediate help in an emergency
    One of our satisfied customers had an urgent problem with his ERP system before his time as a Bösch customer. When he then called the advisor responsible for him, the latter told him he was unable to help– because he’d “just gone shopping”. This advisor also failed to call him back, which meant the customer had to find another way to solve his problem. You’ll never get such a response from any of our employees even if we’re not always in the same time zone we will help you immediately. Incidentally, the customer parted company from his former advisor and has now been a committed Bösch customer for many years!
  32. Customers from conviction
    We want you too to become one of our dedicated customers in future! If you think it would be helpful for this decision to talk to our customers personally, we’ll be pleased to arrange this for you! On request, we can even go so far as to visit a Bösch customer together with you on site – so you can see for yourself how successfully our committed customers work with SAP software in their daily business.
  33. We’ll find a solution!
    It’s not a question of “whether” but simply “how”! If you wish to work together with Bösch and there’s a problem, then it’s not a matter of whetherwe can solve the problem jointly, but simply how we can approach the problem together and find a solution! We’re professional problem solvers. Contact us!