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The Entrepreneurs

“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” – Steve Jobs

We, Fabian Böddecker and Tobias Schwiesau – the founders of Bösch – couldn’t have said it better what entrepreneurship means for us. We’ve founded our company because we wanted to live our lifes as entrepreneurs.

In 2011 we’ve decided to no longer work as hired consultants and sales representatives and instead do it on our own. And this decision was the best we ever made! Right now we’re at a point where we can say: Yes, we made it! We’ve created a company from the ground that is unique within the “SAP world”. A company that understands it’s SME customers and focusses on creating value for them. A business partner who is on par and truly wants to help the customer, instead of earning the quick and easy buck while rushing from project to project.

It’s our goal to create lifelong relationships that are the foundation for long-term success, not just for ourselves, but also for our clients! And we won’t stop, till we reach that goal. Bösch – we’ll find a solution!